Dresser Items

A dramatic black and clear glass deco cologne bottle with a glass dabber fixed to the screw top stopper. The mountings are chromed metal. The cologne bottle stands about 10” high and is about 6” long and about 2 1/8” wide.
Immediate availability
$ 225.00

This sterling lidded, round powder jar
was made by the John Reddall & Company silver company. This jar is marked with the Reddall & Company logo and the words/numbers "STERLING 925 FINE". Reddall was located in Newark, New Jersey and operated between 1896 and 1908. The repousse design motif on the lid is that of cherub riding 2 dolphins surrounded by waves under a garland of roses. The jar is American cut glass in a "zipper cut" and with an eight point "star cut" on the bottom. This jar is approximately 4 inches tall and about 4 inches in diameter. The sterling has no monogram and no monogram removal. This jar is in very good condition with wear consistent with its age.
was made by the John Reddall & Company silver company. This jar is marked with the Reddall & Company logo and the words/numbers "STERLING 925 FINE". Reddall was located in Newark, New Jersey and operated between 1896 and 1908. The repousse design motif on the lid is that of cherub riding 2 dolphins surrounded by waves under a garland of roses. The jar is American cut glass in a "zipper cut" and with an eight point "star cut" on the bottom. This jar is approximately 4 inches tall and about 4 inches in diameter. The sterling has no monogram and no monogram removal. This jar is in very good condition with wear consistent with its age.
Immediate availability
$ 350.00

An unusually shaped cologne bottle is made of beautifully cut American glass. The square shape is much less common than the bulb shape often associated with scent bottles. The sterling stopper is made by the Gorham Mfg. Co. of Providence, RI and carries the Gorham lion, anchor, "G" logo along with the word "STERLING" and the number "S2559" and the Gorham date mark for the year 1896. The stopper has a beautiful hand engraved monogram that is a little difficult to actually read, but is maybe "FHG"? The bottle and stopper stand approximately 7 inches tall. This cologne or perfume bottle is in excellent antique condition and shows minimal wear for its age.
Immediate availability
$ 95.00

This is a beautifully cut crystal perfume bottle, with a sterling silver stopper. The bottle and stopper stand approximately stopper has a raised floral and scroll design motif. The flowers are maybe orchids? The sterling stopper is marked with the word STERLING and the numbers 2195. The number 9 seems to have been over stamped on the number 6. So, the number could also be 2165. There is a very hard to read maker's mark that looks similar in shape to the silhouette of what Mauser or Redlich used. The crystal is in excellent vintage condition and has the mark "HAWKES" etched into the bottom along with Hawkes logo of a three leaf clover with two birds and a fleur de lis in each of the clover leaves. The bottom of the cologne bottle does show very slight scratch marks around the edges from the bottle being used, picked up and set down which is consistent with the type of wear one would expect on a crystal bottle of its age. The bottom has a 14 point star cut in it.
Immediate availability
$ 325.00

Silvered glass North Woods talcum bottle in the shape of a suited man’s torso with an ivory colored plastic block shaped head. The talcum bottle stands about 6 ½” high and is about 3 5/8” wide. A paper sash label in two tone gold, maroon, and black is pasted on the bottle; the label says “NORTH WOODS” and TALCUM” separate engrossed cartouches on either side of lattice work and the logo of a winking man. Most of the gold patina has been worn from this bottle and the plastic head has some chipping at the base. The bottom of the talcum bottle has “Pat No. 143576”
Immediate availability
$ 425.00