Picture Frames

This round frame decorated with repoussé roses and tasseled ribbon is probably Dutch and most likely in .800 silver and from the late 1800s. The frame diameter is approximately 8 ¾ “ and the picture opening is approximately 6”. A ring on the back of the frame makes it suitable for hanging on the wall; however it is fitted with an easel back so that it can be used on a tabletop as well. Marks on the back of the frame are a crowned lion and a Maltese cross in an oval reserve. The frame is in excellent antique condition.
Immediate availability
$ 525.00

Rogers Silver Plate Company of Danbury Connecticut made this horizontal format picture frame. Two ornamental features give this picture frame its element of joy: The top picture frame feature depicts a girl, a boy, and a dog peering over the picture space content, as if it were a fence; and the bottom feature depicts row of posts suggesting a fence and three pigs among clover; the two features hold the glass and velvet cardboard backing and serve as the pivot point for the side to side frame stand. The frame is about 10” high and about 9 ¼” wide. The picture space content is about 5 ½” high and about 8 ¼ “ wide. This frame was likely silver plated at one time, but now has an overall blackened patina and is offered in the beautiful state that it was found.
Immediate availability
$ 375.00

This sterling silver picture frame is by Web Silver Company of Philadelphia, PA. It is a plain narrow banded frame with an variable easel back, making this frame suitable for vertical or horizontal subjects. The frame measures about 10” by 8 1⁄8”; with a picture opening of 8 7⁄8 “ by 6 7⁄8 “. The frame is stamped WEB STERLING on both of the easel back tabs on the back of the frame.
Immediate availability
$ 350.00

This sterling silver fretwork frame mounted on a velvet backing is approximately 7' X 8" with a picture opening of about 3 1/2 inches X 4 1/2 inches. The frame was created by Dominick and Haff of New York, NY. The silver fretwork is designed to look like scrolling foliage and flowers with incidents of birds, cherubs and mountain goats. The frame is marked with the Dominick and Haff manufacturer’s mark, "STERLING”, and the item number “154". The frame is monogrammed with what appears to be hand engraved intertwining letters “BHL".
$ 575.00